TPMR Alumni Focus for Alumni

I knew that if I signed up, I would do more work on my project in advance of the retreat, and that once I created new work, I would immediately receive advice about whether and how to integrate the new material into my project. There’s also something magical about the ambiance of the Fougeron house. Not only is it beautiful, but its nooks and crannies encourage getting to know other TPMR members and the mentors.
— Peggy #TPMR2017 and #TPMRFocus2019

After five years of The Photography Master Retreat, our circle of alumni has grown impressively. Many alumni asked if they could come back to Esparon, or keep in contact regarding your projects. We launched our first The Photography Master Retreat/Focus for Alumni in late June 2019.

Building on the work we did together during our past retreats, the aim of the Focus is to help prepare for portfolio presentations and reviews at festivals (such as Les Rencontres d’Arles), at galleries and publishers, and project proposal reviews. Approach to prospective collectors and clients, as well as to public speaking engagements, will also be strengthened by the rigorous and supportive attention of the Focus.

This session will be short and intensive. It comprises a series of portfolio presentations, focused critiques and revision sessions, with attention devoted to each aspect of the portfolio/project, including the language and style of its presentation. Together, the mentors work with you to develop the ideal discourse on your work and its trajectory, and the optimal selection and sequence of your images. This knowledge gives you a foundation for all further portfolio reviews, grant applications, competitions, book proposals and gallery interviews.

The Focus was held on four days before the opening week of Les Rencontres d’Arles, during which the prestigious Photo Folio Review is held (July 1-7, 2019). It enabled our Alumni to maximize the Arles experience and for future reviews.

The Photography Master Retreat/Focus for Alumni was held with the three Mentors in Esparon from June 25-29, 2019.

I am now clear about my project and feel I can move forward on it, applying for shows and festivals
— Linda Rutenberg #TPMR2017 and #TPMRFocus2019
Great help with preparing portfolios, presentations, project concept and goals with the work.
— Loli #TPMR2017 and #TPMRFocus2019
What I love about TPMR, in general, is that it forces you to account for your practice, from your intentions to your final presentation, and it encourages improvement in every aspect of your work. (Even your casual conversation about your work can be subject to friendly scrutiny.) It put wind in my sails.
— Barry Munger #TPMR2018 and #TPMRFocus2019

Our #TPMRAlumni and Collaborators: 2015-2020

We thank all our #TPMR2015, #TPMR2016, #TPMR2017 #TPMR2018 #TPMR2019 participants, mentors, chefs-in-residence and assistants for their support, images and quotes on this site (alphabetical order)

Lee Johnson, Switzerland, #TPMR2016
Linda Rutenberg, Quebec, #TPMR2017 and #TPMRFocus2019
Lisa Fernandez, Trinidad, #TPMR2018
Lisa Murzin, USA, #TPMR2019
Loli Kantor, USA, #TPMR2017 and #TPMRFocus2019
Magali Couffon de Trevros, India-France, #TPMR2015
Malika Squali, UK-France, #TPMR2015
Malte Øhlers, Sweden, #TPMR2017 and #TPMRFocus2019
Margaret Boyer, USA, #TPMR2019
Michael Lopez, USA, #TPMR2016
Monika Barth, Germany, #TPMR2015
Parrish Dobson, USA, #TPMR2017
Patricia Howard, USA, #TPMR2018
Peggy Andersen, USA-France, #TPMR2017 and #TPMRFocus2019
Pej Behdarvand, Iran-USA, #TPMR2018
Penny Wolin, USA, #TPMR2018
Peter Stitt , USA, #TPMR2018
Raymond Blees, USA, #TPMR2017
Renee Monrose, USA, #TPMR2015
Rich Flansburg, USA, #TPMR2018
Rosemarie Zens, Germany, #TPMR2015
Sara Tamiz, Australia-Iran, #TPMR2017 and #TPMRFocus2019
Sharon Draghi, USA, #TPMR2015
Smith Galtney, USA, #TPMR2015
Suzanne Révy, USA, #TPMR2019
Tom Cronk, USA, #TPMR2019
Uschi Gross, Germany, #TPMR2015
Virginia Sperry, USA, #TPMR2018
Yoram Gelman, USA, #TPMR2019
Wolfgang Strassi, Germany, #TPMR2017

Aleya Lehmann Bench, USA, #TPMR2016
Alyona Synenko, Ukraine, Allison Plass, USA, #TPMR2016
Amanda Bensel, USA, #TPMR2018
Amy Montali, USA, #TPMR2019
Anna Rosa Krau, Germany, #TPMR2016
Annie Hogan, USA, #TPMR2018
Avis Mandel, USA, #TPMR2016
Barry Munger, USA, #TPMR2018 and #TPMRFocus2019
Beth Galton, USA, #TPMR2016 and #TPMRFocus2019
Brenda Biondo, USA, #TPMR2015
Carolina Sandretto, France-Italy, #TPMR2018
Catherine Talese, USA, #TPMR2019
Catherine Wink, USA, #TPMR2019
Cathryn Griffith,USA, #TPMR2015
Chesher Cat, USA, #TPMR2016
Chris Raecker, USA, #TPMR2018
Daniel Levine, USA, #TPMR2015
Daria Cipriani, USA-Italy, #TPMR2019
Elisabeth Scheder-Bieschin, UK, #TPMR2015
Ellen Carey, USA, #TPMR2017
Elsa Beaumont, France, #TPMR2017
Gerard Turnley, South Africa, #TPMR2016
GianLuca Calise, Italy, #TPMR2015
Giulia Berto, USA, #TPMR2016
Herb Brail ,USA, #TPMR2018
Hilary Duffy, USA, #TPMR2017
Jeff Weddell, USA, #TPMR2015
Jodie Factor, USA, #TPMR2019
Karen Block, UK, #TPMR2019
Katelend Rosaen, USA, #TPMR2019
Kristen Linnea Backe, Norway, #TPMR2017

Assistant Chefs and Logistics:
Aicha and Samir, France, #TPMR2015-2016-2017

Special Guests:
Rachel Rexer, USA, #TPMR2015-2016-2017
Susan West, USA, #TPMR2016

Social Media:
Zak Krevitt, #TPMR2017
Josh Klemmons, #TPMR2018
Marjolaine Gallet, #TPMR2019

Elisabeth Biondi, USA, Founding Mentor, #TPMR2015-2019
Katharina Bosse, Germany, #TPMR2015
Lyle Rexer, USA, Founding Mentor, #TPMR2015-2019
Martine Fougeron, Founder and Mentor, USA-France, #TPMR2015-2019

Coordinators and Assistants:
Adrien de Mones, USA, #TPMR2016
Nicolas de Mones, USA, #TPMR 2015
Theo Zierock, Italy, #TPMR2015-2016
Zak Krevitt, USA, #TPMR2017
Elsa Beaumont, France, #TPMR2017-2019

Malte Øhlers, Sweden, #TPMR2017-2019
Marjolaine Gallet, #TPMR2019

Caroline Bessey, France, #TPMR2015
Lauent Maire, France, #TPMR2016
Marc Dussaud, France, #TPMR2017-2018

Our #TPMR Community and Friends

We would like to thank our friends for helping to spread the word about us.
We are in great admiration of their extraordinary support of photographers and artists in general. We at #TPMR are most grateful for all they do for us and the greater community of photographers.

Spending a week with a group of creative professionals, bonding with everyone through critique and exchange of ideas, has taken my work in a different, more fruitful direction.
— Daniel #TPMR2015

Quotes & photos byThe Photography Master Retreat participants.

Creative direction: Project Buchanan.

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